The Inside Story On One Local Dentist’s Website Launch

The inside story on one local dentist’s website launch

It’s been a little while coming, but the team and I are delighted to have launched the Timeless Smiles Dental website. Finally!

Why a new website?

As a local dentist, your focus isn’t necessarily on websites, but what I realise as I continue to grow and expand my practice, is how important it is to stay on top of the latest technology advancements.

These advancements are important for the back end of the business in terms of marketing, presentation, providing dental treatment information, and connecting with our patients. Equally though, keeping pace with advancements is important for putting your best foot forward.

This is a lot like the commitment we make to a program of dental treatment, whether it is purely hygiene and maintenance or whether it is a program of more complex treatment. Always it’s about being proactive and fulfilling our potential.

What did I learn?

As a practitioner you are always learning new ways of doing things, but I have to say I was surprised to have some important learnings from my recent website development program. On reflection, it was hard not to see the analogy for my patients as a local dentist.

The big lesson I learned was: there are no shortcuts to getting the website you want

My practice website was a project I’d started and stalled on more than once.

I’d tried pulling it together different ways, but ultimately I made a decision I needed people who knew more than I did to get involved.

Did it cost me more and fumbling my way through myself? Yes, it did.

Was it worth it? Absolutely!

Now I feel I have a wonderful mechanism through which I can engage with build a community of people committed to preventative oral health care.

I feel this is the same process many people go through when they decide to take better care of their oral health. It requires a commitment, it needs investment, and it definitely needs the input and guidance from an experienced dental practitioner.

And that is where an independent local dentist, like Timeless Smiles Dental, can really come into their own.

Just as the web developer helped me achieve a quality outcome with my business website, your local dentist can do that for you too in the realm of dental care.

Why not book an appointment and discuss your options?