Take care of your teeth, and they will take care of you
Don’t wait until it’s too late
Prevention is better than cure
Regular visits are important
Digitally customised mouthguards
Digitally customised nightguard and night splint
What is fluoride?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance which strengthens and protects our teeth and bones. In many countries, including Australia, fluoride is added to drinking water and is present in many dental hygiene products.
While some groups argue against the use of fluoride, if used correctly there is no reason it should cause you or your family any harm.
When used correctly, fluoride is highly beneficial in dental care. However, like many other beneficial substances, too much fluoride can be detrimental, in the same way that an overdose of Vitamin C or even too much water can be harmful.
The World Health Organisation recommends no more than 1.5mg of fluoride per litre, which Australia also currently recommends in its Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Around 70% of the Australian population currently has access to fluoridated water.
Fluoride is also present in many dental products such as toothpaste, mouthwash and dental floss, as well as trace elements of fluoride found in food, water, soil, rocks and air. In some places naturally high and unsafe levels of fluoride occur in ground water and that is more prevalent in places like India and China.
When too much fluoride is taken in there are some detrimental effects which can occur. The most common risk associated with fluoride is Fluorosis – but it is important to remember that a normal, safe amount of fluoride will have ABSOLUTELY NO ILL EFFECTS on your health. And it does have plenty of benefits!
While its misuse may lead to unwanted side effects, safe and controlled use of fluoride is highly beneficial for your teeth. It strengthens teeth and aids repairs to help avoid cavities.
Simply by brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and by drinking fluoridated water you can gain the following benefits:
Enamel remineralisation: when your tooth enamel loses minerals, it becomes weakened and more prone to cavities. Fluoride swoops in and re-mineralises your tooth enamel, depositing calcium and other minerals to strengthen the enamel.
Decay: reduces the early signs of tooth decay and reduces the growth of certain bacteria.
Acid control: fluoride increases the ability of your teeth to fight off acid attack.
Improved enamel quality: fluoride taken when our teeth are still developing in early childhood helps create stronger enamel which is more resistant to demineralisation.
A detailed article on Comparision between Dentures or Bridge read here.
No matter what stage of life you’re at, everyone can benefit from fluoride. It is so easy to keep your fluoride intake up and give your teeth a healthy boost. You can keep your fluoride levels up by:
While it’s recommended everyone makes fluoride part of their dental health routine, it is particularly important if any of the following apply to you:
Fluoride plays a key role in the health of your teeth, and now that you know of its importance, you can include it with more regularity to your oral care habits.
If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to talk to us at your next Timeless Smiles appointment. We are here to help you because the quality of your oral hygiene is SO important to your overall health and well-being.